Most Common Glock 23 Problems and How To Fix Them.

Glock 23 problems

Hey Glock fans and the always curious! Ever caught yourself in a heated discussion or endlessly browsing through posts about the Glock 23? This firearm has certainly made its mark, but even the best have their little issues.

Let’s jump into the usual troubles it faces, bust a few myths, and really dig into the details. After all, it’s our curiosity that keeps things interesting, right?

Glock 23 Problems: A Quick Overview

Glock 23 Problems
Glock 23 Ejector ProblemsUpgrade ejector to latest model
Glock 23 FTF (Failure to Feed)Use recommended ammo; check magazine
Glock 23 Gen 5 ConcernsFirmware update; professional check
Gen 3 ProblemReplace worn parts; consider upgrading
Conversion Barrel ProblemsEnsure correct installation; professional fit
Gen 4 Magazine IssuesUse Glock-manufactured magazines
Gen 3 Feed ProblemsClean thoroughly; inspect feed ramp
General Glock 23 IssuesRegular maintenance and cleaning
Jamming IssuesCheck ammo type; magazine inspection

We’re diving into a few familiar troubles, but let’s take a closer look at why these problems occur, shall we? 

Let’s Talk Glock 23 (With a Twist)

Glock 23 Ejector Problem

Ever wonder why your Glock 23 suddenly acts like it’s forgotten how to eject properly? It’s not just being stubborn. Over time, ejectors can wear down or get damaged, affecting their ability to do their job. 


A straightforward yet impactful upgrade to the latest model ejector. This isn’t merely a stopgap measure; it’s a rejuvenation for your firearm.

By installing a newer, more robust ejector, you’re not just fixing a problem—you’re enhancing the performance of your Glock 23. 

The Reason:  It’s all about wear and tear, folks. 

Glock 23 FTF (Failure to Feed) Problems

Imagine you’re gearing up for the perfect shot with your Glock 23, but then, bam, a Failure to Feed (FTF) issue strikes. It’s like getting ready for a gourmet dinner but forgetting to heat the oven. 


Check your magazine first—sometimes it’s as simple as ensuring it’s properly seated. Next, scrutinise your ammo quality; the right bullets can make all the difference. And don’t forget regular cleaning and maintenance; it’s crucial for keeping those FTF problems at bay.

The Reason: Often, it’s down to using ammo that your Glock isn’t too fond of, or maybe your magazines are feeling a bit neglected. 

The Glock 23 Gen 5

As we dive into this latest Glock Gen 5  era, we’re greeted by a mix of advancements and unexpected hiccups. Think of it as the price of innovation, from the updated recoil system to tweaks in the grip and finish. Like any new tech, these improvements need a bit of real-world testing to truly shine.


A trip to a skilled gunsmith can be the perfect antidote to these teething problems. Just like downloading a software update to squash bugs on your phone, a gunsmith can adjust and refine these new features, ensuring your Glock Gen 5 operates smoothly. 

Gen 3 Problem 

The Gen 3 Glock, a well-regarded veteran, is showing signs of wear. With age, it demands more upkeep to maintain its performance, underscoring the need for regular maintenance to keep this reliable model in top shape.


To keep your Gen 3 Glock performing reliably, consider a targeted upgrade with new, high-quality parts. This precise approach involves replacing worn components, such as the recoil spring, extractor, and perhaps even the trigger assembly, with OEM or reputable aftermarket options.

By focusing on these key areas, you’ll not only extend the lifespan of your firearm but also improve its overall functionality, ensuring it remains a dependable tool for years to come.

The reason: Age and continuous use can lead to parts wearing out. 

Conversion Barrel Problems

Embarking on a conversion barrel project for your Glock can feel like navigating uncharted waters. Ever tried fitting a square peg in a round hole? It’s a similar challenge when components don’t align perfectly. But why settle for a mismatch when you can achieve harmony?


The professional touch is your beacon here. Wondering if everything is correctly installed or compatible? The answer lies in seeking expertise. A skilled gunsmith doesn’t just ensure that parts fit; they make sure they belong.

They can evaluate compatibility, perform precise adjustments, and even recommend specific brands or models that best suit your Glock’s unique architecture.

The Insight: Incorrect installation or a mismatch in barrel specifications can cause issues.

Gen 4 Magazine Issues 

Ever found yourself in a conversation where it feels like you’re just not clicking, despite speaking the same language? That’s a bit what it’s like when your Gen 4 Glock starts having magazine issues. 

The magazines are the lifeblood of any firearm, ensuring a smooth dialogue between ammo and action. But what if the connection starts to falter?

The Fix

Opt for Glock-manufactured magazines. It’s like ensuring your firearm speaks the same language as its ammo—flawlessly. These official magazines are designed to sync perfectly with your Gen 4, promising reliability and eliminating any feed issues. Simple, right?

The Insight: Sometimes, aftermarket magazines just don’t “speak Glock.” 

Gen 3 Feed Problems 

Dealing with Gen 3 feed issues is a bit like trying to thread a needle without enough light – frustrating and fiddly. But don’t worry, there’s a straightforward fix that’s as satisfying as finally getting that thread through the eye.


Just give your trusty Gen 3 a thorough cleaning and a little TLC. It’s amazing how a bit of upkeep can turn things around, making each feed as smooth as silk. Just imagine that satisfying click as the magazine slides in perfectly, no hiccups or hold-ups. So, grab your cleaning kit and let’s bring back the smooth operation we know and love. 

The Reason: A dirty or damaged feed ramp can make feeding rounds a challenge. 

Glock 23 Jamming Issue

Imagine you’re ready to showcase your skills with your Glock 23, but suddenly, jamming hits a sour note in your shooting session. Frustrating, isn’t it?

Quick Fixes

  • Choosing the Right Ammo: Just like picking the perfect playlist, selecting the right ammunition for your Glock 23 is key. Opt for quality rounds that match well with your firearm to ensure smooth shooting and keep those jamming blues at bay.
  • Magazine Maintenance: Don’t overlook your magazines; they’re the backbone of your Glock’s performance. A little TLC goes a long way—clean them regularly, inspect for signs of wear, and replace when necessary. It’s like tuning your instrument for a flawless performance.

The Reason: Incorrect ammo or a less-than-perfect magazine condition. 

So, there you have it – a closer look at why these Glock 23 issues happen and how you can solve them. Remember, understanding the problem is half the battle. 

With a bit of knowledge and care, your Glock 23 can continue to be the reliable companion it’s meant to be. Keep shooting, stay curious, and as always, safety first!


Is a Glock 23 reliable? 

Absolutely! With proper care and regular maintenance, the Glock 23 is as reliable as they come. It’s a favorite for a reason.

What issues do Glocks have? 

Like any firearm, Glocks may face their share of issues, such as ejector problems, FTF, and jamming. But with the right care, these are often easily resolved.

How long will a Glock 23 last? 

With regular maintenance, a Glock 23 can last a lifetime. These pieces are built tough, ready to stand the test of time.

What is the most trusted Glock?

While “most trusted” can be subjective, the Glock 19 often tops the list for its versatility and reliability. But hey, every Glock has its own legion of fans.

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